Vancouver Intercultural Orchestra

There will be two music events. – Sun. Feb 21, 2:00 – 4:00 pm, FREE and Mon Feb 22, 6:00 – 8:00pm, $5

Music of the Whole World
Indian-Persian – Canada

with Neelamjit Dhillon, Tabla; and Reza Honari, Kamanche
Sun.Feb 21, 2:00 – 4:00 pm

Music of the Whole World
China – Canada

with Gelina Jiang, Sanxian; Song Yun, Erhu; and Mark Armanini, Bass Guitar
Mon Feb 22
6:00 – 8:00pm

The Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra is unique in the world, and uniquely Canadian. It is one of the first concert orchestras in existence that bring together musicians trained in a wide variety of cultural disciplines, to perform new inter-cultural works on a grand scale. In the VICO, violins and flutes rub shoulders with the shakuhachi, the erhu and the sitar.and fertile ground is created for cross-cultural teamwork between classical, jazz and world music artists.

Many smaller ensembles undertake similar collaborations. The VICO, however, boasts a core roster of 24 musicians and at least as many occasional members. Some are trained in the Western (European) classical tradition, while many others are internationally-recognized performers in the musical traditions of cultures from all over the world (Asian, African, East Indian and Middle Eastern, to name only a few).

Electronic Music Performance by Tim Gerwing

Thursday, Feb 25th
6:00 – 8:00pm
Price: $5

Tim Gerwing (PDF bio) was born in Canada, but spent his early childhood in Germany. Traditional music lessons began early on piano and percussion. Piano studies continued in Canada throughout his teen years. However, the confines of the classical world pushed him to experiment with jazz, electronic, new age, progressive rock/pop, and Middle and Far Eastern musics. The purchase of his first synthesizer and electric guitar in the late 80’s were turning points and shaped what was to become his signature sound.

His newest album is “Chikatetsu“, an eclectic and rich tapestry of electronic soundscapes based loosely on his experiences of living in Japan and modern life.

Visit his website at

Tea and Bon-Bon’s Minimalist Cabaret

Friday,  Feb 26, 7:00-10:00pm, Price: $5

Ana Bon-Bon & Special Guest
Western Roots minimalist Cabaret with chanteuse Ana Bon-Bon; a bon-temps musical celebration in the spirit of old-style cabaret with a bon vivant and her blues accordion.